3 Misconceptions About Air Compressors For Construction Sites

I have always been someone who is interested in manufacturing, but a few years ago I started working harder on learning about the industry. I started visiting as many factories as I could, and before I knew it, I realized that there were a lot of things that I didn't know how to do yet. I started going to workshops and talking with real industry professionals, and it was really eye opening. This blog is all about learning about the people and processes that make all of our greatest inventions, and what you can do to create a better life for yourself.

3 Misconceptions About Air Compressors For Construction Sites

3 Misconceptions About Air Compressors For Construction Sites

26 August 2017
Industrial & Manufacturing, Blog

Compressed air is a necessary part of the construction industry. Compressed air is used to power tools that take on challenges ranging from knocking down walls to breaking up floors. Without the aid of the power tools, construction projects would undoubtedly last longer. Some people have missed out on the many advantages to using compressed air due to misconceptions they have about it and air compressors. To help clear up those misconceptions, here are a few truths about air compressors.

Compressed Air Is Impure

Some people have shied away from using compressed air because they believe it to be contaminated or impure. However, compressed air is generally seen as clean air. If the air quality from the air compressor is low, it is usually a sign that the machine has not been maintained very well.

Whenever the air is dirty, contaminants were allowed into the air compressor at some point during use. For instance, an older air compressor that is not being maintained can collect dirt in the system tubes and storage tanks. Getting rid of the dirty air requires nothing more than taking care of the equipment.

The Compressor Can Be Used to Clean Up

One of the biggest misconceptions that people have about compressed air is that it can be used to clean up work areas. When this does not happen, they are disappointed in the performance of the equipment. However, the issue is not with the compressor, but with how it is being used.

The air compressor is not designed to blow away dirt and other debris from the work area. When it is used in this method, instead of sucking up the debris, it pushes it out further. The result is dirty floating around and landing in unexpected areas. It is important to remember that the compressor is on the site for powering tools and nothing more.

Oil-Free Air Compressors Are Expensive

Many construction companies are opting to use oil-free air compressors. However, others have passed on them due to the idea that they are more expensive than other models. Although the oil-free compressor might be slightly pricier than others, it can save you money over time.

The oil-free compressor does not need to have its filter replaced, which amounts to savings for you. It also does not require the same amount of maintenance. Without the need to continuously oil the machine, you do not have to worry about time loss in maintaining it.

Before deciding on whether an air compressor is necessary for your project, talk to a dealer or have a peek here to learn more truths about the machine. 

About Me
Choosing Better Manufacturing Practices

I have always been someone who is interested in manufacturing, but a few years ago I started working harder on learning about the industry. I started visiting as many factories as I could, and before I knew it, I realized that there were a lot of things that I didn't know how to do yet. I started going to workshops and talking with real industry professionals, and it was really eye opening. This blog is all about learning about the people and processes that make all of our greatest inventions, and what you can do to create a better life for yourself.
