2 Reasons Why Vibration Monitoring Should Be A Vital Part Of Predictive Maintenance In Your Factory

I have always been someone who is interested in manufacturing, but a few years ago I started working harder on learning about the industry. I started visiting as many factories as I could, and before I knew it, I realized that there were a lot of things that I didn't know how to do yet. I started going to workshops and talking with real industry professionals, and it was really eye opening. This blog is all about learning about the people and processes that make all of our greatest inventions, and what you can do to create a better life for yourself.

2 Reasons Why Vibration Monitoring Should Be A Vital Part Of Predictive Maintenance In Your Factory

2 Reasons Why Vibration Monitoring Should Be A Vital Part Of Predictive Maintenance In Your Factory

23 February 2023
Industrial & Manufacturing, Blog

If you have noticed that parts of your factory shut down frequently for maintenance issues, you may be tired of the slowdowns in production and are looking for a better way to handle the health of the machinery. Instead of a reactive model where your crew only reacts to problems, you may be looking at structuring your maintenance needs after a predictive model.

As the name suggests, predictive maintenance allows you to identify potential issues so they can be dealt with before they become problems. As a vital part of predictive maintenance in your factory, there are a couple of reasons why you should include vibration monitoring in the new model's structure

1. Lets You Predict What Parts on Different Pieces of Machinery Are Likely to Fail Soon So They Can Be Replaced

One way that vibration monitoring is an important part of a predictive maintenance model is that it allows you to predict what parts on different pieces of machinery are likely to fail soon. The monitoring process examines bolts, bearings, rods, and other moving parts to see how the vibrations of the machines are affecting them.

If any particular part is found to be under constant stress and has not been changed for a while, the monitoring analysis will point it out. Then, you can have your maintenance crew replace the part during normal preventative maintenance hours so that it does not impact your factory's production levels.

2. Allows You to Identify Problems and Conditions That Are Leading to Part Failure So They Can Be Addressed

Along with pinpointing specific parts, monitoring for vibrations also allows you to identify problems and conditions that lead to their failure in the first place. Once you have a full analysis of what is causing excessive vibrations, you and your maintenance team can come up with a plan to address them.

For example, if a particular machine causes too much vibration that is affecting it and the surrounding equipment, the analysis may have found that it requires a buffering system. Once you have this information, you can devise a plan to install the buffer to help keep the vibrations to a minimum.

If you are tired of only reacting to breakdowns and other problems within your factory and wish to start a predictive maintenance model, vibration monitoring should be an integral part of it. It allows you to predict which machine parts are likely to fail soon so they can be replaced as well as helps you identify and address surrounding conditions to reduce the risk of part failure in the future. For more information, contact a company that offers vibration monitoring services to speak with a representative.

About Me
Choosing Better Manufacturing Practices

I have always been someone who is interested in manufacturing, but a few years ago I started working harder on learning about the industry. I started visiting as many factories as I could, and before I knew it, I realized that there were a lot of things that I didn't know how to do yet. I started going to workshops and talking with real industry professionals, and it was really eye opening. This blog is all about learning about the people and processes that make all of our greatest inventions, and what you can do to create a better life for yourself.
